Buy an apartment in Paris, France
Knowing all the streets of Paris inside out, I can provide you with a unique expertise on neighborhoods as well as sharing my fine eye on charming Parisian real estate.I am passionate, detail-oriented and care first and foremost about making my clients happy by providing the best possible level of service. Helping a client in this fast-paced market means taking the time to understand their needs, listen to them and provide unbiased advice on the real estate market.
Prior to this, I was the co-owner of an Antique Gallery in St Germain for over 25 years, specialized in 18th and 19th century furniture.
The Real Estate business was a natural move for me after helping my friends and family finding the perfect gem in the city.
You can trust me in every step of the process, it is my duty to fulfill the expectations of both purchaser and seller.
My interests are aligned to your success! You need someone you can count on.